SPECIAL KEYS 1 Logging Screen Function Keys ---------------------------- F1 = MENU ESC = Abort QSO (Clear entry), blanks the CALL and EXCHANGE fields. SHFT+TAB = Step to PREVIOUS field, moves cursor counter clockwise through the fields. TAB = Step to NEXT field, moves cursor clockwise through the fields. + (KEYPAD) = After entering a call and pressing the Enter key the + (plus key on the keypad) an automatic search and display will be performed for that call. SPECIAL KEYS 2 Logging Screen Functions which apply ONLY when CW keyboard activated. --------------------------------------------------------------------- F1 = Log MENU F2 = Transmit Variable message one. F3 = Transmit CQ message. F4 = Transmit the following message: "SRI QSO B4". F5 = Transmit the "de" message (HISCALL de URCALL). F7 = Transmit the EXCHANGE message. F8 = Transmit Variable message two. F9 = Enable "one-liner". Enter up to 80 characters, which will be transmitted as soon as entered. Press ENTER or ESC to cancel. (Note: If your "one-liner" exceeds 80 characters, the function will automatically end at the 80th character, but if you wish to continue a comment you may depress F9 again and continue on for another 80 characters, which will be "chained" to the first transmission. You can carry on an entire QSO in this fashion, if the need arises. SPECIAL KEYS 2 (Continued) PageUp = Transmit call showing in the CALL field (HISCALL). PageDwn = Transmit your call stored in the DE message (URCALL) CTRL+PgDn = Transmit DE + your call stored in the DE message (de URCALL). Home = Transmit "QSL ". End = Transmit "TU " (Thank You). CTRL+End = Transmit "QRZ ". ` or ~ = Transmit "?". (These are the Accent Grave or Tilde characters). You will find these keys very useful in contesting and we encourage you to experiment with their use. As an example, in the last contest we ran, we found it helpful in a QSO to use the following sequence of keys: 1. "PageUp - F7" (HISCALL + EXCHANGE) [Pause for his response] 2. "Home+End+^End+^PageDwn" (QSL+TU+QRZ+de URCALL K) [Ready for another call] There are numerous possibilities here and you will soon discover the combinations that are best for your situation, whether you are "running them" on a single frequency or are searching and calling in response to others. SPECIAL KEYS 3 Search/Display Screen Function Keys ---------------------------------- F1 = Display MENU SHFT+TAB = Step to PREVIOUS field. When a record is displayed, will move the cursor counter-clockwise through the fields. TAB = Step to NEXT field. When a record is displayed, this will step the cursor clockwise through the fields. HOME = Display first six log records. END = Display last six log records.